Bits & Bäume NRW 2023
June 16-17, 2023, Münster

Companion book to the conference 2022

The companion book to the conference 2022 is now online and compiles the insights, work, research and opinions of more than 65 authors with a ‹Bits & Bäume› background, including practitioners, researchers and activists.

The conference for digitalisation and sustainability

Bits & Bäume 2022 covers topics at the intersection between the areas of sustainability and digitalisation. They range from interconnected mobility, the resource and energy consumption of digital devices, data sufficiency and cooperative platform economies to issues around smart energy grids and the tendency towards monopolisation in the digital economy.

Presentation of the supporting organizations (Trägerkreise). Photo from the launch event 30th September, 2022
In times of crisis, strong movements
with big ideas are needed.
Demands page 1

Demands 2022

We demand: Digitalisation must increasingly be put into the service of society and of a sustainable socio-ecological transformation. Digital technologies should contribute to the improvement of living conditions and of the environment through equal social participation and while respecting planetary boundaries, instead of exacerbating already existing crises through exploding energy and resource consumption and a lack of consideration of the Global South.

With this call, thirteen organisations from the fields of environmental protection, digital politics, development cooperation, and science are addressing the German government, the European Union and political actors worldwide. On the occasion of the Conference for Digitalisation and Sustainability "Bits & Bäume" 2022 we are releasing more than 60 political demands grouped in five subject areas.

stillframe of a recording


Almost all presentations of the conference (all 10 lecture halls plus the forum studio) have been broadcast in real-time and are available as recordings:

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