Regional branches

The Bits&Bäume-Community grows! You want to join? There are some first regional branches, meeting regularly for discussions or to plan talks, workshops or their own local conferences. Be part of our movement!

Bits & Bäume Dresden

was, together with Berlin, the first regional branch after the 2018 conference. The founding occasion was a local event with about 100 participants. After that, many other projects followed, such as workshops, panels, NGO consulting, a blog and a lot of community work behind the scenes.


Bits & Bäume Berlin

The Bits & Trees Platform Berlin is an initiative of the AStA TU Berlin Science and Technology Criticism Department in cooperation with the Baumhaus Project Space. We organize a local platform for exchange and collaboration from below for a sustainable digitalization in Berlin.


Bits & Bäume Augsburg/München

Dies ist ein offener Aktiventreff für alle, die sich für die Themen von Bits & Bäume interessieren. Hier kannst du dich über aktuelle Entwicklungen austauschen und eigene Ideen für Aktionen einbringen. Jede:r ist herzlich willkommen, unabhängig von Vorkenntnissen oder Erfahrungen.


Bits & Bäume FrankfurtRheinMain

Lokale Bits&Bäume-Gruppe, in Zusammenarbeit mit der regionalen Leitung des größten Netzwerks für den deutschen Mittelstand.


Bits & Bäume Köln

Local B&B group for bottom-up exchange and collaboration aiming at a sustainable digitalisation in Cologne.


Bits & Bäume Nürnberg

Local B&B group for making the social-ecological transition happen for everyone in the metropolitan area Nürnberg. Initiated and organized by the Bluepingu e. V.


Bits & Bäume Nord

B&B group in the north of Germany.


Bits & Bäume Hannover

Regular's round, initiated by Chaos macht Schule.


Bits & Bäume Lübeck

We meet every second Tuesday at 6:30 PM at Chaotikum, near the main train station. We always welcome new people who would like to join us. Additionally, we regularly watch presentations together. Feel free to drop by!


Bits & Bäume Osnabrück

Local B&B group, currently being established.


Bits & Bäume Dortmund

Local B&B group, currently being established.


This could be your town! :)

No Bits&Bäume nearby?

Found your own regular's round! In our section Bits&Bäume movement, you can read more about what to do to organize your own Bits&Bäume formats. There is also a mailing list as well as an online discussion board.

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